Gum Gully ki Tūranga Rere (Gum Gully in the Brooklyn Foothills) has always been there, hiding below Brooklyn Road. As you drive up the hill Gum Gully looks like a few trees planted on the left edge of the road. But when you look more closely, those trees were planted a long time ago, many metres below. The Gum Gully group began working in the area in May 2021.

What is special about Gum Gully?

Gum Gully is very green! It feels very special with all that greenery, and it is very close to the city. In October, eastern rosellas have been seen flying to their nests in the top of the trees. Fifty years ago there were walking paths winding between the eucalyptus trees, making it a pleasant place to meander. Gum Gully has a carpet of tradescantia, a weed that has really taken hold, but it adds to the lush, green feel of the place. Along the Brooklyn Road boundary, above, is a wall of acacias (wattles) that really know how to multiply – they have created a green screen that reduces traffic noise. The gentle flow of a stream along the western side is another Gum Gully surprise. When the rains pelt down, Gum Gully is a gumboot paradise. Thankfully a little bridge remains from earlier times for crossing the stream.

Where did the name come from?

Gum Gully references the gum (eucalyptus) trees that were planted in the mid-1930s and were a dominant feature of this gully area. The gum trees are still going strong. Gum Gully is at the base of the Brooklyn Foothills. A name given by Māori to trees waving in the wind on the Brooklyn Hills was Tūranga Rere (standing flying, or waving).

What is Gum Gully used for?

The Gum Gully group has a vision of re-establishing the walking paths, and picnic areas where Gum Gully can be enjoyed at leisure. Multiple criss-crossing pathways invite tamariki to explore. The pedestrian greenway runs between Berkeley Dallard Apartments and the Central Park Sub-Station. Over time, tradescantia will be replaced by native understory. In the meantime, there are many vines growing up the trees that are pest species which need to be cut down. Riparian plantings will help keep the stream healthy. The group hopes to inspire others to help with caring for Gum Gully, including its neighbours at Berkeley Dallard Apartments and living in the surrounding streets. Children are especially welcome to discover the magic of the area, digging up worms and playing around the trees are favourite pastimes.

When are the working bees?

The Gum Gully working bees are from February to November, on the 3rd Saturday of the month, meeting at 10:30am. If it is raining on that day, the group usually decides to delay until the next Saturday. Afterwards, there is a hot drink and a sweet snack. It’s free and it’s fun. Come along and give it a try!

Contact to find out more

To find out more email the Gum Gully group.