The Dojo is a busy place, but they can often make room for a kids birthday party, an evening meeting or a workshop.


Several clubs use the Dojo – the timetable information on the Poneke Dojo website is for the Kyokushin Karate Club, which is the main club that uses the Dojo, but not the only club.

Please enquire about availability as the Dojo is sometimes available for one-off events.

Hireage rates

The pricing is mid-range to ensure costs are covered.

Maximum capacity

120 people.

Description & special conditions

The Dojo has a large open area upstairs with a wooden floor. The toilets are downstairs.


There is a full kitchen upstairs, with tables and chairs available for use.

Outdoor area

There is a bank opposite, with a car parking area separating the bank and the Dojo.


Only the toilets are accessible from the ground floor. There is no lift to the upper area.


There is room for about a dozen cars right outside the Dojo. Drive down to the very end of Salisbury Terrace, turn left and head straight down a tight road to the very end to find The Dojo.

Cycle parking

There are a small number of cycle parks outside the Dojo.

By bus

Take the number 3 bus to Te Whaea. Then walk to the foot of Wright Street, up Westland Road (a small, steep residential street), walk up the narrow pathway on your left towards the Lower Prince of Wales Park. At the top of the pathway, take the left hand route to the Dojo.


As per the instructions from the bus. Or, walk along Wright Street to Salisbury Terrace, then walk along the narrow access road beside the Lower Prince of Wales Park, and straightahead to the Dojo.

Physical address

Prince of Wales Park (South-end car park)
Salisbury Terrace,  Mt Cook, Wellington

Contact (to book or view the space)

Paul Kleer – 027 724 7022

Contact by email

